It seems curious that the very people who are screaming the loudest to have open borders are the same people who are screaming about the inequities between Capital and Labor. Every “laborer” that crosses our border devalues labor that is already here and increases the inequity.
I’m not suggesting that open borders are good or bad, just that an unlimited labor supply has got to devalue the existing labor (per the law of supply and demand and the definition of value) and that is only good for Capital (and all who have it). Certainly the immigrants benefit also and just as certainly the immigrants who are already here and the Americans with zero skills do not benefit (at least immediately). If an economy requires a constant supply of zero skilled workers in order to expand, then so-be-it, but let’s not pretend that that expansion is being done any other way than on the backs of Labor (not that there is necessarily anything bad about that).
The Left needs to understand that unlimited workers crossing the border devalue the workers here and lower their wages (per the law of supply and demand).
So who has a solution to the Capital/Labor dichotomy? Isn’t the final result of the game we call Capitalism - One Guy Has All the Money?
Who benefits from the global competition between Capitalism and Socialism? The Bankers?
Isn’t there some dialogue possible between Capitalists and Socialists that doesn’t consist only of “ad hoc-post partum-sound bite zingers” .
Sunday, October 11, 2009
From "Fundamentals of Economics........"
In a Hunter/Gatherer Economy there is not much need for keeping track of things. Animals are hunted and eaten, seeds, herbs and roots are gathered and eaten. There are products produced such as preserved food, weapons, clothes and huts but nothing very permanent. Counting is not very important and consequently you occasionally find these cultures with only three numbers – one, two, and “more than two”. I guess it’s hard to eat more than two mammoths or if one has to walk more than two days, it is not worth going there.
The End of War
When Secular Progressives point out the horrors of religious practice like the crusades and the inquisition, it should be pointed out that Science has given us atomic, chemical and biological weapons. The “science” of Psychiatry has given us lobotomies, electro-shock therapy and eugenics (the justification of Hitler’s death camps and the end of six million lives). Atheism has justified the Pol Pot regime, untold millions of deaths in China and the destruction of thirty million lives in the Soviet Union. The end of war, criminality and the insane is far more likely to be solved by a religious philosophy than from the “scientific” man from mud theory.
From "Fundamentals of Economics......"
Thus, we can see that borrowing means to promise future production to someone else and that interest is additional future production promised. To be clear: When you borrow, you are not producing but there is the apparency of production since you gain the fruits of production without actually producing. You now must maintain your normal production level for survival plus additional production to pay back what was borrowed plus additional production to pay back the interest. So borrowing with interest is the promise of future production. In some backward places one can even borrow against the future production of one's own children and grandchildren.
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