Friday, August 20, 2010

Thought, the Ultimate Weapon

Thought, the Ultimate Weapon

A datum not generally acknowledged is that only about 20 percent of the population of the American colonies engaged in the American Revolution. Generally, about 20 percent of a population is seen to be dangerous and gets wiped out by totalitarian states (Germany, Russia, China). 20 percent seems to be a significant number.

In this age of worship of the material universe we tend to forget a fundamental. As we chase the dream of “the most money” or “the biggest bomb” or “the stealthiest airplane” we fail to realize that all these things have one source. It is easy to see that there is nothing we are not ultimately capable of from brushing our teeth to harnessing the total energy of the sun. Given the resources and the desire we could control the largest black hole or change the direction of a galaxy. In this universe of inconceivable masses and monstrous energies we forget that the most powerful thing of all is: An idea.

After thousands of years of animal power somebody thought, “What if I used steam to run a piston?” and altered the course of human history. After thousands of years of rule by monarchs somebody thought “Who made him the boss?” and then “What if we were free?” and altered the course of human history.

Amongst all the galaxies of the universe and all the energy produced by all the stars of the universe there is nothing more powerful than an idea.

Note: This may seem a purely secular view but close inspection will show that it does not invalidate any concepts of God like beings, a God, the Gods or God. The replacement of the word “idea” with the word “God” makes the statement work just as well. The only real issue between thoughtful people might be, “Where do these ideas come from?”

Who are these twenty percent that the totalitarian governments so fear? They are the people with ideas. “What if?” people and “Who made you the boss?” people. They are the children who “can’t keep their mind on” the dull, slow or outright stupid lesson plans of their teachers. They fidget. They drift mentally. They draw. They dream. These days they usually end up in the chemical straightjackets of the ADHD drugs where they become “good citizens”. With the exception of the homeschooled kids we now have a generation with no future or only the future the government supplies for them. It seems fairly obvious that this is intentional and if not planned then at least a function of minds intent on totalitarian control.

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